Monday, December 26, 2011

Me at work.

Someone found this photo of me and my press crew on twitter and sent it to me. This is what I do! "Gatekeeper" for the Press on Capitol Hill. Specifically, Media Logistics.  I love my job. I'm in the middle of the photo awaiting word to send the press into an event with Speaker Boehner. Just thought I'd share! :o)

Reporters awaiting Boehner, GOP conferees avail on Twitpic


  1. What an amazing career! I love politics and always believed I'd live in DC sometime in my life! ha. Lovin' your blog and following ;)

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog
    follow me

  2. Thanks for your comment! Just checked out your blog too and will follow you!
    I usually don't post about my job bc it's a very different world than my girly girl blog but i thought why not :)
    That's part of why I blog, at the Capitol it's very black,brown,white. Not much pink! this blog let's my girly side out!
